LD50 is a meassure used to indicate how toxic a substance (e.g. a toxin) is. LD50 in an abbreviation for ‘lethal dose 50%’ meaning the dose of a substance that kills 50% of individuals in a test group. It is often more informative to talk about LD50 than LD100, as there are many (high) doses that will kill 100% of a group, but only one dose that kills exactly 50%. The less toxin needed to kill 50% of a group, the lower the LD50 and the more potent the poison or venom is.

The LD50 depends on several parameters, such as how the toxin enters the body, and how it exerts it’s toxic effects. Venom from a taipan snake, for example, is incredibly toxic if given intravenously (low LD50), but is theoretically completely harmless if eaten (high LD50). The LD50 also depends on the type of organism the drug is administered to; Penicillin is lethal to many bacteria (low LD50), but generally safe for humans in a very high dose (high LD50). When it comes to poisonous and venomous animals, it’s important to remember that the LD50 of the animal’s venom/poison is not everything. The ammount of venom/poison in the animal is also important. For example, the venom of the black widow spider contains the toxin latrotoxin. Latrotoxin has an LD50 of 4.3 µg/kg, which is significantly lower (more potent) than the LD50 of the venom of the carpet viper Echis carinatus, which is 120 µg/kg. However, the black widow spider, Latrodectus curacaviensis can only deliver around 0.6 mg of venom per bite, while the viper Echis carinatus can deliver around 72 mg per bite (360 times more!) (Figure 2).


Table 1. Examples of LD50 for different toxic substaces

Toxin LD50 Organism Delivery method
Ethanol (“alcohol”) 7.060 mg/kg Rat Oral*
NaCl (table salt) 3,000 mg/kg Rat Oral*
Cocaine 96 mg/kg Mouse Oral*
Strychnine 1-2 mg/kg Human Oral*
Forest cobra venom 0.225 mg/kg Mouse Subcutaneous**
Forest cobra venom 0.093 mg/kg Mouse Intravenous***
Inland taipan venom 0.025 mg/kg Rat Subcutaneous**
Tetrodotoxin (from pufferfish) 0.008 mg/kg Mouse Intravenous***
Latrotoxin (from black widow spider venom) 0.0043 mg/kg Mouse N/A
Batrachotoxin (from poison dart frog) 0.002-0.007 mg/kg Human Subcutaneous**
Botolinum toxin (botox) 0.000001 mg/kg Human# Oral*

The unit of LD50 in this table is mg of toxin to be given per kg body weight. Values are taken from Wikipedia and SnakeDatabase respectively. # = Estimated LD50. Delivery method terms explained: *Orally: Taken by ingestion, **Subcutaneously: Injection under the skin, ***Intravenously: Injection directly into a vein.



Figure 2. Comparison of venom from a carpet viper and a black widow spider